Tuesday 11 October 2011

NO MONEY NO MONEY Daaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to the data provided by the Swiss bank, India has more black money than rest of the world combined. India topping the list with almost $1500 Billion black money in swiss banks, followed by Russia $470 Billion, UK $390 Billion, Ukraine $100 Billion and China with $96 Billion.
It’s embarrassing for any country to top the list of black money holders. The money which belongs to the nation and it’s citizens, is stashed in the illegal personal accounts of corrupt politicians, IRS, IPS officers and industrialists. An amount which is 13 times larger than the nations foreign debt. Every year this amount is increasing at a rapid speed but the Indian government seem to be silent over this matter from a very long time. The total black money accounts for 40% of GDP of India, if all the money comes back to India then that could result in huge growth burst for India.
A nation where more than 450 million live below the poverty line, which means they make less than $1.25/day and could probably use an easy cash advances from somebody. By bringing back the black money back to the country there is so much which can be done for the development of the nation and the people who live below poverty line. India will also be able to clear all their foreign debts in 24Hrs. Even if all the taxes are abolished, the government can maintain the country easily for 30 years.
It’s been found that about 80 thousand people travel to Switzerland every year of whom around 25 thousand travel frequently. Those travelling on regular basis must be doing it for some reason.
The Indian government needs to take some serious steps to get the money back to India which is stashed in Swiss banks. They should work to find out the names of account holders in Swiss banks and also pressurize Swiss bank to get the black money back to the country. This has also become a matter of pride of nation and if the government still keeps silence about this issue then they will only be making themselves a laughing stock for the entire world.

Names of 18 Indians, who had stashed away nearly Rs 40 crore in tax havens, were revealed early this year. The Liechtenstein list, accessed by the Germans and shared with the Indians was the first ever to make such valuable information available.
However, now a second revelation is in the offing. Sources have told Times Now, that a second list will soon be released to the Indian government. The list contains names of a 100 plus Indians who have stashed away black money in leading Swiss banks.
Among them is also - Julius Baer - the same Swiss bank which is now trying all legal means to retrieve information handed over by 'whistleblower' and sacked employee Rudolph Elmer toWikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Some of the names that the WikiLeaks founder is privy to are likely to figure in this highly anticipated 2nd list of Indian tax evaders. The German ambassador confirmed to Times Now that a big announcement was in the pipeline.
Sources said that tax authorities have already begun the process of collecting nearly Rs 25 crore in penalty from the 18 tax evaders, who figure in the Liechtenstein list.

Whistleblower Rudolph Elmer has said Indian cricketers and film stars hold secret accounts in Swiss banks. While refusing to give out the names of the evaders, Elmer accused the Indian government of not doing enough on the black money front.
"There is a need for global commitment and action," Headlines Today news channel quoted Elmer, who was released from jail on July 25, 2011, as saying on Monday.
In his first interview after being released from jail, Elmer told the channel that there is a need for global commitment towards tightening noose around tax evaders, who he said are ‘criminals’.
Fearing reprisals, Elmer declined to reveal the names of the "politicians, cricketers and filmstars". He said it's "all about approach", saying if the Indian government was at all serious about bringing back black money it could.
"The government is not committed. I think society has to put pressure on the Indian government to act. India is a big country, which is getting stronger by the day. It has the negotiating power," Elmer told Headlines Today.
Saying he can't give names because "I'll in serious problem", Elmer toldHeadlines Today, "I can't give a date, but it will happen sometime". He added the government was not doing enough.
Rudolf Elmer is a former employee of Swiss bank Julius Bar, a highly reputed Swiss bank.
He shook the world in January this year when he handed over to WikiLeaks a CD containing 2000 names of tax evaders. In that list figured the names of several Indians.

Indian Black Money in Swiss Bank List

WikiLeaks posted in the website that – Indian money in Swiss Banks than any other nationality. We have proof regarding their names, amount and name of bank which we got from Rudolf Elmer. We have 2000 names in two discs, the major share is from India. The source of income is from project hedge, illegal share in stock market, drug deal, fake project. The deposits in Swiss Bank was started from early 70s. Major share of Indian black money routed from Pakistan. We published the link in rapidshare server, address is on port 9999 (SSL enabled). The Indian government needs to be more aggressive in tracking the black money stashed in foreign banks since Indians depositing money in foreign banks is debasing the rupee. Otherwise WikiLeaks will do the job.
Indian Black Money in Swiss Bank List
Indian Black Money in Swiss Bank List by Wiki Leaks